This is an automatic compilation of volunteers' comments about their experiences in Greece. The comments and opinions expressed
herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of v4r team.
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Thanks for your hard work and constructive input.
We signed up as a couple and found a flat on Air B&B within walking distance (25 min). We stayed in the Keramikos neighborhood and felt like locals very quickly. Other volunteers found cheaper rooms for individuals.
The leadership at Project Elea is very friendly and accomodating. There are no fees for the volunteer and they take short term volunteers. They have only been around for a few months and are making a significant impact on the 2000+ residents in the camps. Every day we had 20-30 volunteers from all around the world.
We distributed food, clothes, baby formula, built a puppet theater, talked with the residents and played with the kids. It was a wonderful experience and we made many friends. We highly recommend this organization.