
Dråpen I havet / A Drop in the Ocean

Norway-based group providing general support in Greece
N.A. (before July 2018)
last edit:
13. May 2019
hits :
0 (during the last 30 days)
Places of activity:
Tags: general support | logistics / warehouses | protection / work with kids | education | Greece: Lesvos | Greece: North and East | Greece: Central (Athens area) | admin / coordination | food

We have been present in Greece since August 2015, and we currently work in:

  • Athens area: Skaramangas and Elefsina camp
  • Northern Greece: Nea Kavala camp
  • Lesvos: Moria Village
  • Samos: Vathy village

Our work consists of a variety of things, such as:
- Distribution of food and NFIs
- Informal English and Greek teaching
- Activities for children, teens and adults
- Laundry service
- Bicycle project
- Library
- Community Center
- Build and Repair workshop
- Sewing project
- Mother and baby space project.

Our projects is constantly evolving in order to meet the needs, and we have a strong focus on giving assistance of good quality.

To volunteer with Drop in the Ocean:
- you have to register a profile on our website ( )  and then register the trip you wish to perform
- You must be minimum 25 years old
- Commit for at least 10 days, with your first day at location being on a Monday or Thursday
- Provide a valid Criminal Record Check
- Communicate in English

It's not necessary to have any particular competence, but pre-school personnel/teachers, ESL- teacher, people with relevant language skills, experience in construction/repair/being handy and/or long-term stay are highly valued.

Please contact for further information.

volunteer calls:


volunteer experiences for «Dråpen I havet / A Drop in the Ocean» :

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