
Onda Nave. Refugee Radio project

We would like to donate a modest radio set and to teach (on our holidays) how use it and how to do a radio show. We would need an space for the radio set, with electricity and Internet conexion, to do online broadcasting
N.A. (before July 2018)
last edit:
22. November 2016
hits :
0 (during the last 30 days)
Tags: education | General | tech / IT

We are a spanish youth association. We do communitary radio and courses to learn to do a radio show, as you can see in our website: We know how boredom is one of the worst thing for refugees. And we think that doing radio could be a great way to spend time and to communicate with family and friends. We would like to donate a modest radio set and to teach (on our holidays) how use it and how to do a radio show. We would need an space for the radio set, with electricity and Internet conexion, to do online broadcasting. To do a conventional broadcasting it would be necessary another more expensive equipments that we could not to pay. If there is any organization interested in this project to create a local refugee radio, please contact with us in this mail:

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