
Advocates Abroad

Advocates Abroad, an international legal aid & MHPSS NGO that serves asylum applicants and refugees.
N.A. (before July 2018)
last edit:
16. February 2021
hits :
0 (during the last 30 days)
Athens, Thessaloniki, Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos, Leros
Places of activity:
Tags: Turkey: Istanbul | Greece: Chios | Greece: Samos | medical / health care | Other countries (outside Greece) | Italy | Greece: Lesvos | Greece: North and East | Greece: Central (Athens area) | Greece: West | Greece: Islands except Lesvos | General | legal / info

Attorneys & human rights experts providing remote aid in 14 countries and ground level teams in Turkey & Greece & Italy & Switzerland. Advocates provide rapid legal aid response & asylum info to refugees, without charge and without discrimination of identity.

Preferred volunteers:

1. Bilingual attorneys qualified in Greek, Turkish, Italian asylum law, or otherwise qualified for legal practice in the EU.

2. Trauma therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, or other trained medical professionals interested and capable of assisting remotely and in Greece or Turkey (limited space in Italy as well).

3. Interpreters for Farsi, Dari, Urdu, Pashto, Arabic, French, and Kurdi. Positions available for both the field (Greece, Turkey primarily) and remote assistance.

Field missions run a minimum of 3 weeks, and longer term applicants are considered favorably.  Remote positions are available, based on suitability, so please apply to inquire further.

Application: Please send your CV and short letter of interest to

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